CLICK: More info . *(10/05/08 UPDATED NEW VIDEO LINKS below)* P1) Monsanto Patent for a Pig (Pt.1 of 5): P2) Monsanto Patent for a Pig (Pt.2 of 5): P3) Monsanto Patent for a Pig (Pt.3 of 5): P4) Monsanto Patent for a Pig (Pt.4 of 5): P5) Monsanto Patent for a Pig (Pt.5 of 5 End): Monsanto Company, the world leader in Genetically Modified foods. This "mega" company also now owns most of the world's seed. They (Monsanto) are now seeking a patent on the actual pig. It's an astounding and dangerous claim. The world has allowed this company to basically own life! If you have not heard of the Monsanto Corporation and you eat food like most humans on earth, it would be worth your time to research what this company has done to the world's food sources, supplies and what they have planned. Unless you live in one of the most remote parts of this planet, the odds are you eat foods that have genetically modified (from Monsanto Co.) products in them. People are ingesting these every day, without realizing it. Studies are linking the massive, almost pandemic levels of rare cancers, to the direct increase in GM foods world wide! Below are very important links. They very well could be, one of the most important videos you can watch, especially if you have small children. 1)"Future of Foods": *NEW* 2) Reporters Blow Whistle on FOX News: Monsanto and our milk: If you are giving regular milk to ...
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