Panasonic PT AX 100 E / U --Iris problem--Your projector shuts down after about 3min 1-3 times or more and then runs normally, you also have about 500+ hours on the machine. The projectors have a common fault where the lower iris shutter lubricant becomes gluggy or sticky over time and when the projector is cold and as a safety measure the machine shuts down automatically. The solution is to lubricate this lower pivot shaft. The upper pivot shaft has a roller bearing of sorts and never suffers this problem. I have been using mine for about a month, with no worries, and thought i had better show how it is done so easily. Long Term Fix: 1st clean both hinge points on iris shutters with "CRC CO Contact Cleaner" and then apply "CRC Dry Glide). This is a silicon based lubricant that lubricates effectively after it dries leaving a slippery film where it has been applied. Here is the link for the Photo:
Keywords: How, to, fix, projector, with, WD40, and, cotton, tip
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